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Thomas Duval

Comparion Executive Insurance Agent | South Easton, MA

"Committed to helping you navigate the complex process of finding the right insurance."
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(15 Reviews)

Quote with Thomas

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.


15 Robert Dr
Highland Plaza
South Easton, MA 02375

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About me

Watch my intro video

Hello, my name is Thomas Duval, and I am from Franklin, MA. I graduated from UMass Dartmouth with a degree in accounting. I began my career at Liberty Mutual in 1996 as a financial professional and made the leap to sales in 1999. During the past 25 years I’ve encountered every situation in personal insurance and can help you with all your unique needs. My customers appreciate my personal attention to their needs, and many of them have become friends, not just clients. As an agent, I strive to help my customers lead safer, more secure lives, and one of my proudest career achievements is that I made the Sales Hall of Fame.

In my spare time, I love to cook, golf, and spend time with my family. Even though my kids are older, I still coach youth sports in Franklin. I’m the chairman of the finance council at my church.

Please let me know how I can help you with all your personal insurance needs.


Licensed in

  • Connecticut - 5416873

  • Massachusetts - 5416873

  • Maine - PRN413342

  • New Hampshire - 5416873

  • New York



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English





Awards & Honors

  • Sales Hall of Fame

  • Liberty Leaders

  • Liberty Life Leaders

  • Countrywide Rookie of the year

  • Circle of Winners

Reviews about Thomas Duval

Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
Overall rating
5 out of 5 stars
5 / 5 stars
Total reviews
15 reviews
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