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Heather Arnold

Comparion Lead Insurance Agent | Springfield, MA

"Choice, Connection, and Trust."
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(16 Reviews)

Quote with Heather

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.


1000 Hall of Fame Ave
Suite 90
Springfield, MA 01105

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About me

HI, I am Heather Arnold, a Lead Sales Agent with Comparion Insurance Agency, a Liberty Mutual Company. I started my insurance career in 2009. I am a graduate of Endicott College. I reside in Southwick with my husband Chris, and our two sons Mason and Ben. I enjoy entertaining friends and family at our pool, and most often can be found at our family farm. Over the past 15 years I have found being honest and transparent with clients has been my key to success. My goal is to give people an honest assessment of their current insurance situation and create solutions for premium and coverage gaps. I have access to several top-rated insurance carriers that allow me to offer the best solutions for my clients. I look forward to chatting with you and learning more about how I can help you best. Whether you are looking for personal auto, motorcycle, home, life, boats or other recreational vehicles, I am here to help! Contact me by phone or text at 413-262-9282.


Licensed in

  • Connecticut - 14580519

  • Massachusetts - 1871986



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English




Reviews about Heather Arnold

Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
Overall rating
5 out of 5 stars
5 / 5 stars
Total reviews
16 reviews
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