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Cheukping Shiu

Comparion Lead Insurance Agent | New York, NY

"Expert insurance advice from a member of your local community"
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Quote with Cheukping

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.
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About me

As your local agent with over 20 plus years insurance success in the Tri-state areas (NY, NJ and CT), I am part of the local Comparion Insurance team to your assistance. With my extensive network of 15+ insurance carriers, I could find the perfect coverage that aligns with your unique requirements.

If you need to satisfy closing requirement, to resolve coverages discrepancies, to seek for better prices and advice, to bundle policies or to address general concerns, I can review and offer you the BEST diagnosis. Just like getting an annual health checkup, please allow me to translate my expertise and give you your HEALTHY and REASONABLE insurance policies checkup.

Call or e-mail me today for your annual complimentary personal insurance checkup appointment. Remember, this special checkup has no deductibles or co-insurance charges to satisfy like your health insurance.

My customer calls me The Insurance Doctor - Dr. Shiu. I am looking forward to helping you, your friends and family with auto, home, pet, jewelry, life insurance and retirement planning.

保險醫生 - 邵博士 - 在三州地區(紐約,新澤西和康涅狄格州)擁有超過20年的保險成功經驗,我是當地Comparion保險團隊的一員,為您提供説明。 憑藉我廣泛的15 +保險公司網路, 我可以找到符合您獨特要求的完美保險。

如果您需要滿足關閉要求,解決承保範圍差異,尋求更好的價格 和建議,捆綁保單或解決一般問題,請立即致電或發送電子郵件給我。 我專門從事個人保險 - 汽車,家庭,寵物,珠寶,人壽保險和退休計劃。 我也會說中文-廣東話。


Licensed in

  • Connecticut - 7092178

  • New Jersey - 216297

  • New York



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English

  • Cantonese

  • Chinese

  • Spanish



  • - American Management Association - Certificates in Project Management, Information Systems, Leadership, Motivation, Instructional Design, Business Management and Sales Training

  • - Fordham University - Bachelor of Science in Management Decision Sciences and Marketing Research





Awards & Honors

  • Lamplighter Award

  • Pacesetter

  • Pacesetter Plus

  • Pursuit of Excellence


Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
4.92 out of 5 stars
4.92 / 5 stars - 100 Reviews
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Comparion is an Equal Opportunity Employer and an Equal Housing Insurer.