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Christopher Fontes

Comparion Lead Insurance Agent | Independence, OH

"Expert insurance advice from a member of your local community"
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(12 Reviews)

Quote with Christopher

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.


3 Summit Park Drive
Ste 125
Independence, OH 44131

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About me

Watch my intro video

I started with Liberty Mutual almost 10 years ago. I met my beautiful wife Brigitte after running a 5k road race in 2022. We got engaged at the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2013. We endured the aftermath of the bombing that day and my life was changed forever. I chose to go into insurance after that to help provide people with protection from unexpected events. Ironically, the company that I started working for was based out of Boston and sits near the Boston marathon finish line. As your local Comparion licensed agent, I am committed to helping you find the right coverage for your insurance needs.I have access to check rates through 18+ other companies. Please call my work cell phone today so I can help you with auto, home or life insurance. I can be reached at 330-604-7240.


Licensed in

  • California - 4196936

  • Nevada - 4025286

  • Ohio - 1053249

  • Pennsylvania - 747306



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English


Awards & Honors

  • Liberty Leaders

  • Lamplighter Award

  • Pacesetter

  • Countrywide Rookie of the year

  • Zone Rookie of the year

Reviews about Christopher Fontes

Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
Overall rating
5 out of 5 stars
5 / 5 stars
Total reviews
12 reviews
©2024 Comparion Insurance Agency, A Liberty Mutual Company - 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. The materials herein are for informational purposes only. All statements made are subject to provisions, exclusions, conditions, and limitations of the applicable insurance policy. Coverages and features not available in all states. Eligibility is subject to meeting applicable underwriting criteria. Learn more about our privacy policy at
Comparion is an Equal Opportunity Employer and an Equal Housing Insurer.