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Vicky Menchaca

Comparion Insurance Agent | San Antonio, TX

"Expert insurance advice from a member of your local community"
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(149 Reviews)

Quote with Vicky

We're ready to offer personalized advice on your auto, home, life, or pet insurance needs.


17803 La Cantera Terrace
Suite 8122
San Antonio, TX 78256

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About me

Hello my name is Vicky Menchaca and I began my insurance career in 2000 with Liberty/Comparion Insurance. I've helped protect what matters most to people and help them gain financial security. I focus on the quality of my work and provide best-class customer service and enjoy building long-lasting relationships. I'm a proud parent of a twelve-year-old daughter and in my spare time we enjoy volunteering for those less fortunate, love outdoor activities, and enjoy traveling with friends and family.


Licensed in

  • New Mexico - 5313268

  • Texas - 1643542



  • Car insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Umbrella insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Insurance consulting



  • English

Reviews about Vicky Menchaca

Ratings Star FilledRatings Star HalfRatings Star Unfilled
Overall rating
5 out of 5 stars
5 / 5 stars
Total reviews
149 reviews
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